Healthy Living

Physician: Movement at the heart of health

By Submitted Column | February 2, 2024

Thanks to the convenience of technology and our modern lifestyles, people in the U.S. are more inactive than ever. Whether we’re sitting behind desks, hunched over laptops all day for work, or lounging around binging our favorite shows, Americans simply aren’t as physically active as we used to be – and that’s a problem.  According…

Kitchen Korner

Uptop Cuisine: Fresh and local food with a special seafood twist

By Noah Beiter | November 12, 2021

“I was supposed to be a nurse,” said Dhuha Ali, co-owner of Uptop Cuisine in Williamsport. The new take-out and…

Kitchen Korner: Italian style coffee at Backhouse Café

By On the PULSE | April 8, 2021

This husband and wife-owned business serves coffee and tea, all while providing a cozy atmosphere for their customers. Ron and…

Kitchen Korner: Opening a restaurant during a pandemic

By On the PULSE | November 27, 2020

Starting a business during a global pandemic isn’t easy. But for Eat and Run Catering and Restaurant, it turned out to…

Medical News

Physician: Movement at the heart of health

By Submitted Column | February 2, 2024

Thanks to the convenience of technology and our modern lifestyles, people in the U.S. are more inactive than ever. Whether…

Doctor: How to avoiding winter injuries

By On the PULSE | January 24, 2024

There are very polarizing opinions about winter weather – you either love it or hate it. While ice and snow…

Physician: Awareness, proactive screening has an impact on cervical cancer

By Submitted Column | January 9, 2024

Cervical cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer among women. The American Cancer Society estimates about 13,960 new cases of…

Andrea's Country Home Cookin'

Cooking with Andrea: Easy egg muffins for the family

By On the PULSE | March 26, 2021

These are some of the easiest breakfast muffins you can make for your family. Egg Muffins Recipe: 12 eggs 1/2 cup…

Cooking with Andrea: A tasty treat for any time of day!

By On the PULSE | March 19, 2021

These protein balls are a healthy treat for the family with none of the guilt. Check out the easy recipe…

Cooking with Andrea: Yummy baked oatmeal!

By On the PULSE | March 12, 2021

One of the easiest baked oatmeal recipes you’ll find! 3 cups oatmeal 1 cup brown sugar 2 tsp. cinnamon 1…

How to

Coolest classic cars you should restore

By On the PULSE | June 12, 2021

Restoring cars can be an incredibly addicting hobby. Once you restore one car, it likely won’t be your last. If…

Tips for designing a large garden

By On the PULSE | June 12, 2021

So, you’ve been taking great care of your small garden for a while, and you want to upgrade. There’s no better…

These creatures have some of the strongest family bonds

By On the PULSE | June 8, 2021

Families aren’t just human phenomena. The genetic roots that bind families together are felt all throughout the animal kingdom. Some…