Top 5 of the most vital home maintenance tasks

Your home is a huge investment that won’t take care of itself. Like a car, it requires regular maintenance. As weather and time take their toll, you will notice small signs of damage to your exterior

. Prevent those minor damages from becoming huge headaches when you take care of them sooner than later. As a homeowner, you need to know the most vital home maintenance tasks to perform each year.

Seal Your Home

Inspect your windows and doors for signs of leaks. If you notice a draft coming from either, should seal cracks or gaps with caulk or weather stripping. If windows are in very poor shape, new window stripping may not be enough; you may need to replace your windows entirely to ensure that they are properly insulating your home.

Clean Your Gutters

Clogged gutters prevent water from draining away from your house. In both the fall and spring, leaves and other debris can collect in your gutters, preventing water from flowing as it should. If enough gunk gets caught in your gutters, they can become heavy and bend out of shape. Inspect your gutters regularly for buildup, and use a ladder to help you clean them out.

Drain Your Water Heater

Sediment can collect at the bottom of your water heater and clog the system over time. Drain your water heater at least once each year to prevent leaks and other problems. Further, by not draining your water heater, you risk it not working as well, which means your home will use more energy to power it.

Repair Your Roof and Siding

One of the most vital home maintenance tasks you should keep in mind is inspecting the exterior of your home. Use binoculars to check the roof for broken or missing shingles and signs of dry rot. The same goes for your siding. Siding protects your home. If you notice holes, cracks, dents or other damage, have a professional repair it immediately. Finding out what happens if you neglect your siding is an expensive headache you don’t want to experience.

Change Filters

Depending on your home, your HVAC and the type of filters you use, you should change your filters as necessary. Some homeowners need to change them once a month, while others can do it quarterly. Changing the filters in your HVAC improves the air quality in your home and your system’s overall operation.

Take pride in your home and the care you put into it. You don’t have to do all this maintenance at once. Spread these tasks out throughout the year to ensure that you get to all of them.


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.