ACTIONS ONLY: New salaries approved, DA’s office shuffle now official with 2 spots down

WILLIAMSPORT – The Lycoming County commissioners’s first official public meeting was full of personnel changes, policy amendments and projected plans for the future. It was Commissioner Scott Metzger’s first Thursday meeting. A work session was held Tuesday. 

As the new District Attorney Ryan Gardner sets up shop in the courthouse he has rearranged many of the current staff and eliminated two positions. The purpose, according to the commissioners, is to streamline services and address a massive backlog of about 450 cases that have piled up in the office. 

Each of the commissioners voiced support for Gardner, saying the goal for the department is to address the backlog of cases over the next six months and then double down on crime in the county. 

Below are the full action items for the commissioners’ Thursday meeting. On the PULSE publishes action items every Thursday: 

Approve update to the TDA Report Effective 1/1/20 PASS 3-0

  • District Attorney – Eliminate One (1) Assistant District Attorney – Union 


  • District Attorney – Eliminate One (1) Clerk III – Paygrade 4. 
  • District Attorney – Eliminate One (1) Part-Time Clerk I – Paygrade 2. 
  • District Attorney – Add Two (2) Part-time Assistant County Detectives – Union Positions. 
  • District Attorney – Change – 1st Assistant/Deputy District Attorney -from Paygrade 13 to Paygrade 14. 
  • District Attorney – Change – Administrative Specialist Paygrade 5/6 to Office Administrator Paygrade 5/6. 
  • District Attorney – Change – Clerk III Paygrade 4 to Trial Clerk Manager Paygrade 6/7. 
  • District Attorney – Change – Paralegal Paygrade 6/7 to Fiscal Manager Paygrade 8/9. 
  • District Attorney – Change – Clerk III Paygrade 4 to Paralegal 6/7. 
  • Controller’s Office – Change – Temporary 2nd Deputy/General Accountant paygrade 8/9 to 2nd Deputy/General Account Paygrade 8/9. 
  • Prison – Change – Correctional Officer Female Relief/Cook to Correctional Officer Relief/Cook. 


Approve Personnel Action Report PASS 3-0

  • Commissioners: Scott L. Metzger, Full-Time Replacement Commissioner, Paygrade Elected, Salary $75,260.43. Effective 1/1/20. 
  • District Attorney: Ryan C. Gardner, Full-Time Replacement District Attorney, Paygrade Elected, Salary $185,665.00. Effective 1/1/20. This salary is set by the state and a portion is reimbursed by the state as well.  
  • Prothonotary: Thomas D. Heap, Full-Time Replacement Prothonotary, Paygrade Elected, Salary $70,541.09. Effective 1/1/20. 
  • Register & Recorder: Dave Huffman, Full-Time Replacement Register & Recorder, Paygrade Elected, Salary $70,541.09. Effective 1/1/20. 
  • Treasurer: Cindy S. Newcomer, Full-Time Replacement Treasurer, Paygrade Elected, Salary $68,491.09. Effective 1/1/20. 
  • Commissioners: Catherine D. Redden, Full-Time Replacement Executive Secretary, Paygrade 5, Salary $29,679.54. Effective 2/18/20. 
  • Prothonotary: Holly L. Thomas, Full-Time Replacement Data Entry Operator (Legal), Paygrade 4, $20.37 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • DPS / Communications: Brenton J. Pfleegor, Full-Time Reclassification Fully Qualified Status, Paygrade 7, $18.08 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • Pre-Release: Hunter Lomison, Full-time Replacement Resident Supervisor, Paygrade 5, $15.22 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • Pre-Release: Cody Shaffer, Part-Time Replacement Resident Supervisor, Paygrade 5, $14.14 per hour. Not to exceed 1,000 hours annually. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Martin L. Wade, Full-Time 1st Assistant/Deputy DA, Paygrade 14, Salary $93,347.13. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: K. Michael Sullivan, Full-Time Replacement Assistant District Attorney, Paygrade ADA, Salary $53,282.64. Effective 1/13/20. 
  • District Attorney: Chief County Detective, Full-Time Replacement, Paygrade CD, Salary $69,234.33. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Assistant County Detective, Full-Time Replacement, Paygrade AD, $28.86 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Assistant County Detective, Full-Time Replacement, Paygrade AD, $26.75 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Sara E. Fogleman, Full-Time Promotion, Fiscal Manager, Paygrade 9, $49,855.45. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Melissa L. Bell, Full-Time Promotion, Trial Clerk Manager, Paygrade 7, $18.46 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Jill L. Schriner, Full-Time Promotion, Paralegal, Paygrade 7, $20.83 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Abigail Inns, Full-Time Paralegal, Paygrade 7, $21.55 per hour. Change in rate only. Effective 1/12/20. 
  • District Attorney: Lisa D. DiMassimo, Full-Time Replacement Promotion, Office Administrator, Paygrade 6, $17.48 per hour. Effective 1/12/20. 

Approve HR Activity report for the month of December 2019. PASS 3-0


Approve update to Salary Schedule effective 1/1/20. 

  • District Attorney: Eliminate One (1) Assistant District Attorney, Union Position. 
  • District Attorney: Eliminate One (1) Clerk III, Paygrade 4 
  • District Attorney: Eliminate One (1) Part-Time Clerk I, Paygrade 2 
  • District Attorney: Add Two (2) Part-Time Assistant County Detectives, Union Positions. 
  • District Attorney: Change 1st Assistant/Deputy District Attorney from Paygrade 13 to Paygrade 14. 
  • District Attorney: Change Administrative Specialist Paygrade 5/6 to Office Administrator Paygrade 5/6. 
  • District Attorney: Change Clerk III Paygrade 4 to Trial Clerk Manager Paygrade 6/7. 
  • District Attorney: Change Paralegal Paygrade 6/7 to Fiscal Manager Paygrade 8/9. 
  • District Attorney: Change Clerk III Paygrade 4 to Paralegal Paygrade 6/7. 
  • Controller’s Office: Change the title of Temporary 2nd Deputy/General Accountant Paygrade 8/9 to 2nd Deputy/General Account Paygrade 8/9. 
  • Prison: Change Correctional Officer Female Relief/Cook to Correctional Officer Relief/Cook 


Accept Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. qualifications for the Williamsport Region Relief Well Rehabilitation and Replacement Project and acknowledge eligibility to proceed to Phase II of the procurement process. 

  • The county sought statements of qualifications for the relief well rehabilitation and replacement project and GEO-Technology was the only company to send qualifications. 

Invitation to Bid for the Williamsport Region Relief Well Rehabilitation and Replacement Project. 

  • This is a formal invitation to GEO-Technology to participate in the formal bid process. 

Request for Proposal for Bridge Bundling Engineering Services 

  • This deals with the ongoing bridge bundling project to repair bridges throughout the county. 


Update the Following Policies Effective 1/1/2020: PASS 3-0

  • Policy 100 Introduction 
  • Policy 400 
  • Job Code Listing 
  • Policy 401 County Pay Plans 
  • Policy 900 Loss Prevention 
  • Policy 1306 County Of Lycoming Integrity Policy 

Designation of Agent Resolution for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. PASS 3-0

Grant Award of Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant in the amount of $60,000. PASS 3-0

  • PDM grant awarded with 15% match requirement. Subsidised with staff time to work on the hazard mitigation plan. 

Contracts under $10,000 for the month of December. PASS 3-0

Second Amendment with Paul Albert Architect, LLC. for the redesign of the exterior front entrance of the Lycoming County Prison. PASS 3-0

  • An ongoing project to redesign the exterior of the prison. To date $6,010 has been spent on the project. This amendment acknowledges a rate increase by the architect who will only be used on an as-needed basis. The total project is budgeted for $100,000.

License and Maintenance Agreement with Corrections Development, Inc. for the District Attorney’s Office. PASS 3-0

  • A support system for the software needed for the District Attorney’s office. 

Certification of funds for the 2020 Farmland Preservation Program in the amount of $56,150.00. PASS 3-0

The commissioners present at the meeting were Tony Mussare, Rick Mirabito and Scott Metzger. 

The next commissioners meeting will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14.


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.