Actions Only: Personnel, construction contracts approved

WILLIAMSPORT – The Lycoming County commissioners approved a number of agenda items at their public meeting Thursday, including new personnel and positions, construction and legal services. On the PULSE provides a brief list of action items and votes after each Thursday meeting.

Approve professional services agreement with J. Michael Barr d/b/a Barr Construction, LLC. (PASS 3-0) 

  • Replace the main roof section at Lysoc View building for a total of $16,990. 

Award ITB for Hughesville Streambank Protection Project to Mitchell Knorr Contracting in the amount of $169,501. (PASS 3-0) 

  • Mitchell Knorr was the lowest bidder on the project. 

Award ITB for Joint Replacement for Lycoming County Bridge 101 to Minichi, Inc. in the amount of $174,000. (PASS 3-0) 

Approve professional service agreement with Ronald K. Wright, MD.JD, FAAFS. (PASS 3-0) 

  • Pathology services for case of Abdula Friend and additional cases as needed for public defender’s office. 

Award contracts for Inmate Detention Supply products to the following on a per item, as needed basis: (PASS 3-0) 

  • Contracts awarded to Bob Barker Company, Inc. and Victory Supply, Inc. 

Approve Contracts below $10,000 activity report for June. (PASS 3-0)  

  • All 12 contracts signed by the Director of Administration for the month of June. 

Approve amendment to lease agreement with Environmental Consultants & Affiliates Network, LLC. for a one year renewal. (PASS 3-0) 

  • Extend contract for an additional year. 

Approve update to the TDA and Totals Report.  (PASS 3-0)

  • Pre-Release – Remove one (1) Full-time Work Crew Foreman Position paygrade 7/8 
  • Courts – Add one (1) Part-time Law Librarian, pay grade 9.  
  • Sheriff – Add one (1) Part-time Deputy Sheriff, Union Position.
  • Commissioners – Move the following positions one from Fiscal Services to Commissioners Office effective 7/14/19. 
    • Chief Procurement Officer Pay grade 10/11 
    • Technician 5/6 to Administrative Specialist Procurement pay grade 5/6. (Reclassify Title Only Fiscal )
    • PT Clerk III pay grade 4. 

Approve following personnel actions: (PASS 3-0) 

  • Sheriff – Keely Shae Whipple – as full time replacement Deputy Sheriff- Pay grade DS – $18.34 per hour effective 7/28/19. 
  • Prison- Jacob L. Price – as a full-time replacement Correctional Officer Relief – Pay grade COI – $16.81 per hour effective 7/16/19.
  • RMS-Resource Recovery – Justin T. Kontz – as full time reclassification as Truck Driver – Pay grade 6 – $17.16 per hour effective 7/14/19.  
  • Maintenance- John K. Zay – as full-time replacement Custodial Worker – Pay grade 01 – $10.84 per hour effective 7/15/19. 
  • Planning & Community Development – Christopher M. Musto – as full time replacement Zoning Officer – Pay grade 06 – $32,321.60 annually effect 7/15/19

Approve 2019-20 professional service agreement with Attorney David Victor Hurt. (PASS 3-0) 

  • Hurt will provide 100% legal representation at juvenilie court hearings on Wednesdays and Thrudsdays throughout the year for the Juvenile Probation Office. 

Approve 2019-20 professional service agreement with Clear Vision for juvenile probation placements. (PASS 3-0)

  • Renewal of a contract with Clear Vision with no rate change. The program provides treatment for juvenile females.  

Approve purchase agreement of additional Microsoft licensing via CDW-G in the  amount of $21,167.52. (PASS 3-0) 

  • Through affiliation with CCAP. current contract will end next June. Purchase of liscensing to square up with microsoft for all the lisceneses being used by the county. It was budgeted. For county employees. 

Recess Commissioners’ Meeting and convene the Salary Board

(The County Salary Board is comprised of the county commissioners and county controller and deputy controller. The board approves new possitions or changes to current possitions held by the county.) 

Approve update to the TDA and Totals Report.(Roxanne Greico) (PASS 4-0) 

  • Pre-Release – Remove one (1) FT Work Crew Foreman Position pay grade 7/8 
  • Courts – Add one (1) PT Law Librarian, pay grade 9. 
  • Sheriff – Add one (1) PT Deputy Sheriff, Union Position. 
  • Commissioners – Move the following positions one from Fiscal Services to Commissioners Office effective 7/14/19. 
    • Chief Procurement Officer Pay grade 10/11 
    • Fiscal Technician 5/6 to Administrative Specialist Procurement pay grade 5/6 (Reclassify Title Only) 
    • PT Clerk III pay grade 4. 

The next commissioner’s meeting is a work session 10 a.m. Tuesday.

Commissioners present were Rick Mirabito, Jack McKernan and Tony Mussare.


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