ACTIONS ONLY: Funds granted to school districts, learning sites

WILLIAMSPORT – The Lycoming County commissioners approved personnel items, COVID-19 relief grant funds and new recycling containers for the county during their Tuesday meeting this week. See the full list of action items here: 


Accounts Payable Cash Requirements Report through October 13, 2020 for payment October, 14, 2020 in the amount of $1.78 million. PASS 3-0


Vote on the following personnel actions:  PASS 3-0

  • District Attorney- Lynelle L. Cromley, Full-Time Replacement, Clerk III,  Paygrade 4, $13.95/Hourly. Effective 10/19/20. 
  • Courts MDJ Frey- Stacie Jolin, Full-Time Replacement, Clerk III,  Paygrade 4, $15.252583/Hourly. Effective 10/18/20. 
  • Pre-Release- Robert J. Thompson, Full-Time Replacement, Pre-Release  Manager, Paygrade 11, $73,783.90/Salary. Effective 10/18/20. 
  • Planning & Community Development- Brandon A. Ball, Full-Time  Replacement, Community & Economic Development Planner, Paygrade 8,  $38,548.49/Salary. Effective 10/19/20.
  • Planning & Community Development- Christopher B. Hodges, Full-Time  Replacement Zoning Officer, Paygrade 6, $32,321.60/Salary. Effective 10/26/20. 
  • Planning & Community Development- Austin J. Daily, Full-Time  Reclassification, Transportation Planner, Paygrade 9, $43,912.73/Salary.  Effective 10/18/20. 


Vote on FY 20-21 Medical Assistance Transportation Program  Subrecipient Agreement with STEP, Inc. in the amount of $1,491,809. PASS 3-0

  • These are pass-through funds that have already been received by the state. 

Vote on COVID-related expenditures and subrecipient agreements for  school districts in Lycoming County as attached hereto in the amount of $3,010,200. PASS 3-0

  • School districts will be awarded a portion of the COVID-19 relief funding through the CARES Act. This will provide a student allocation of $200 per student. 

Vote on U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Agreement with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency in the amount of $140,791. PASS 3-0

  • This is for the fiscal year 2019-20. Funds are reimbursed after the fact. This will be to offset the salary and benefits of four Dept. of Public Safety employees by 50%. 

Vote on contract with Federal Bureau of Prisons for FY 2021 renewable energy in the amount of $2,400,000. PASS 3-0

  • This is year nine of a 10-year contract with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. This reflects a $0.94/kWh increase which the federal government pays. These are pass-through funds for the county’s Resource Management Services.

Vote on the purchase of (15) recycling roll-off containers for the LCRMS from Eagle Truck Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $180,060. PASS 3-0

  • Through the CARES Act, RMS was asked to increase its recycling capabilities in the event of another shutdown. Through these funds RMS will provide 8 cardboard containers and 12 glass containers. Due to the short turnaround time for completing the order (CARES Act funds must be expended by the end of 2020), the order was split between two manufacturers. (see below). 

Vote on the purchase of (18) recycling roll-off containers for the  LCRMS from Wastequip. In the amount of $166,770. PASS 3-0

  • Per the above item, this is for an additional 18 containers for plastic recycling. These will also eliminate the steps at the recycling centers. 

Approve CARES Act allocations for the following learning centers: Community Theater League, 75 students ($22,500), Camp Susque, 200 students ($60,000), Firetree Place, 48 students ($14,422). PASS 3-0

  • The sites will need to provide documentation of the expenses as they go, and then will receive the funds. If they exceed the allotted amount, then the county will be approached again for more funds. According to the county, the funding allocation is lower than originally requested because some of the school districts went back to a five-day-a-week class structure. 

The commissioners present were Tony Mussare and Rick Mirabito. Scott Metzger attended by phone. 

The next commissioners meeting will be at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20, in the Commissioner’s Briefing Room, 1st  Floor, Executive Plaza, 330 Pine St.


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.