Still stuck in active addiction, trying so hard to control my using and drinking. That’s when this poem came to me.
Drugs were no longer fun for me. They no longer made me feel high. They just made me not sick and were a necessity to everyday life to just feel normal. I was getting so tired of the life I was living and didn’t want to need drugs or alcohol anymore to get through the day.
This poem was the first step for me. Finally realizing I couldn’t ever be a recreational drug user or a social drinker. I knew then that complete abstinence was the only answer.
The demons inside
Remain famished
Oh, how hungry they can be
Eliminating the evil
Seems difficult
But starvation is the key
The demons inside are hungry
And hungry they will stay
Feeling their weakness grow
With each passing day
Their strength is beginning to subside
And when defeated
To the top I will rise.