ACTIONS ONLY: Personnel, zoning fees, new prison mail system

WILLIAMSPORT – The Lycoming County commissioners approved personnel, new zoning fees and a new prison mail delivery system during their Thursday meeting. On the PULSE covers the action items at each Thursday meeting. 

Approve the following personnel actions: PASS 3-0

  • District Attorney: Karen L Wilson, Full-Time Replacement Clerk III, Paygrade 4, $13.95/hour. Effective 1/27/20.
  • District Attorney: Marcella A. DeSanto, Full-Time Replacement Clerk III, Paygrade 4, $13.95/hour. Effective 1/27/20. 


ITB for Equipment Tires and Tire Repair

  • Annual bid for the Resource Management Service and will be used on an as-needed basis. 


Agreement with Delta Development Group Inc. PASS 3-0 

  • This is an economic development group that helps the county with grant requests when the need arises. 

Zoning Partnership Fee Resolution 2020-04. PASS 3-0 

  • A fee that 21 municipalities pay to manage the basic zoning ordinance costs. The fee is being raised from $2 per capita to $2.20 per capita. This is separate from fees related to administering the ordinance. Those go toward the person who is applying the variance. 

Amendment to Agreement with Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. for urine drug screening analysis system. PASS 3-0 

  • Prison and Pre Release Center for equipment that’s needed for testing and urine analysis. 

TextBehind Inmate Mail Management Service for Lycoming County Prison. PASS 3-0

  • New contract for prison for a third party to digitize the mail delivery to inmates. Physical letters would be turned into a virtual product. This provides an extra measure of security for staff and inmates and alives some of staff and manpower for mail delivery. There is no extra cost to the county. 

The commissioners present were Rick Mirabito and Scott Metzger. Tony Mussare joined by phone. 

The next commissioners meeting will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28.


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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.