ACTIONS ONLY: New JPO chief and landfill equipment approved

The Lycoming County commissioners met on Thursday morning to approve a number of items, including personnel actions, juvenile probation services and new mowers at the landfill. The meeting also served as a farewell to Chief Juvenile Probation Officer Ed Robbins. His replacement also was approved at the meeting.

On the PULSE publishes the full list of action items after each Thursday meeting. 

Juvenile Probation- David A. Goodwin, Full-Time replacement Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, Paygrade 12, salary of $72,000.00. Effective: 7/27/20. PASS 2-0

Approve HR Activity report for the month of June 2020. PASS 2-0

Information Services- Support Services- Reclassify one (1) FT Assistant Printer, Paygrades 3 / 4 to Clerk III 1 Floater, Paygrade 4. PASS 2-0

Discuss Community Development Block Grant – CARES ACT (CV) Application Preparation Schedule for Federal Fiscal Year 2020. Discussion only.

  • This adjusts the CDBG funds allocation schedule. Dates were changed and pushed back due to COVID-19 so the project could be fully developed and planned. New project selection and finalization date will be July 23 and the final public hearing will be Aug. 11 and the final resolution date will be Aug. 13. 


Mya Toon– Vote on awarding the bid for food products to Feesers, Inc., Sysco Central Pennsylvania, and Keyco Distributors, Inc. PASS 2-0

Vote on agreement with Diakon Family Life Services to provide Specialized In-Home Treatment program services for juvenile probation. PASS 2-0

  • Intensive family-based mental health counseling and therapy for ages between 8 and 18 for issues with sexual abuse behavior. No cost increase. This is primarily covered by Medical Assistance. 

Vote on Change Order #4 with R&L Development Company and Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. for Field 12 Construction amount of $171,852.00.  PASS 2-0

  • Opportunity to keep field 12 empty by protecting it from unnecessary leachate and gas emissions.The total field 12 project is nearly $5.7 million.

Vote on the purchase of (2) new commercial mowers from Cub Cadet for in the amount of $33,598.00. 

  • This is a budgeted item for the Landfill. The Landfill typically needs to buy mowers every couple of years because of the massive amount of mowing done on the landfill property. 

Ed McCoy- Vote on furniture purchase for Adult Probation Office with Supply Source in the amount of $89,225.90. PASS 2-0

  • Office renovation. Has been in the process for over a year and a half. Switched from individual offices to cubicles. 

Additional paragraph into the Lycoming County Voter Services contract with Dave A. Smith Printing. PASS 2-0

  • This would allow other counties to procure services in the same manner without repeating the bidding process. 

The commissioners present were Rick Mirabito and Scott Metzger. Tony Mussare was absent. The next commissioners meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 14. 


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

1 Comment
  1. I wonder how much negotiation goes on in the Procurement Department. Large purchases just passed probably with zero effort on reducing costs.