ACTIONS ONLY: Grant funds available for hospitality businesses, applications open March 15

The Lycoming County Commissioners approved a distribution process for $1.8 million in state grant funds made available to hospitality businesses during their meeting Tuesday. The grant funds will be available through SEDA-CoG on March 15. 

Here is more information and a full list of action items from the commissioner’s Tuesday meeting: 

Approve accounts payable Cash Requirements Report through March 10, 2021, for payment March 3, 2021 in the amount of $819,942.95. PASS 3-0

Approve the following personnel action(s): 

  • Coroner- Alexis M. Martin, Full-Time New Position, Paygrade 7, $18.26/ Hourly. Effective 3/8/21. 
  • Maintenance, Gregory J. Costa, Full-Time Replacement/Promotion, Maintenance III, Paygrade 8, $22.50/ Hourly. Effective 3/7/21. 
  • Public Safety- Jeffrey L. Hutchins, Full-Time Reclassification, Director of Public Safety, Paygrade 14, $86,112.60/Salary. Effective 3/7/21. 
  • DPS-EMS- William D. Miller, Full-Time Replacement, EMS Regional Field Coordinator, Paygrade 7, $35,642.46/Salary. Effective 3/15/21. 


Vote on Amendment to Professional Services & Administrative Agreement with SEDA-COG. PASS 3-0

This vote is in regards to the COVID-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program grant funds which are being administered by SEDA-Council of Governments. The amendment outlines how the disbursement of the funds will be handled: The full funds will be sent to SEDA-CoG and the staff will process applications and distribute the funds SEDA-CoG will college a $350 administration fee for each application that is awarded. 

Applications may be submitted from March 15 to June 15 and checks must be distributed to the businesses by July 31

The grants distributed will be between $5,000 and $50,000. Hospitality businesses with the business codes of 721 and 722 are eligible to apply. 

In total, the county was awarded $1.8 million in grant funds. 

Vote on Assignment Acknowledgment Agreement with T&E Enterprise of PA, LLC and BBLB. PASS 3-0 

The current owner of julies is transferring the business. 

Vote on purchase of a court bench with Pennsylvania Corrections Industries in the amount of $10,467.35. 2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0 

This is a 2021 budget item for MDJ Solomon’s new building on Lycoming Creek Road.

Vote on purchase of materials for doors and door frames with Lezzer Lumber in the amount of $17,460.00.2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0

Recommend award to Green Machine Sales, LLC for the Replacement Steel Apron Pan Belt Conveyor System and the addition of Steel Chutes at the County’s Transfer Station Facility in the amount of $225,270.00. 2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0 

A rebuild of the conveyor frame for the incline conveyor system at the county Transfer Station. 

One bid was submitted and reviewed by engineers.The existing belt is 8 years old and the subframe motor and drive is 20 years old. The entire system will be replaced. 

Vote on purchase of a plastics perforator with Green Machine in the amount of $32,230. PASS 3-0 

This machine will assist with processing milk jugs and other materials that don’t process well through the single stream system. 

The perforator has spikes that will put holes into the jugs and help them get flattened which will help the machine to produce a tighter bail. 

The landfill came under budget of the conveyor system (listed above), so the extra funds from that would be used for this. 

Vote on Decommissioning Agreement with Piatt Township. PASS 3-0 

An agreement to show the county is responsible for taking down the tower in Piatt Township. 

Vote on Work Order #3 with Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc in the amount of $497,499.80. PASS 3-0

A work order to award a contract for the design and engineering for the Memorial Avenue portion of the levee project needed to change the type of levee from an I-wall to a T-wall. In this project, 80% of the funding comes from federal funds 

Vote on Grant & Monitoring Agreement with Williamsport Municipal Water Authority in the amount of $31,938.00. PASS 3-0 

The Williamsport water authority requested help with overtime costs during COVID-19.  Another local nonprofit organization had extra funds and allowed the county to transfer those extra funds to help with the authority’s extra costs. 

Vote on Mast Agreement with Telesoft Inc. 2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0 

Vote on Addendum A to Master Agreement with Telesoft, Inc. in the amount of $167,109. 2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0  

Installation of electronic filing system for the civil filing system in the Lycoming County Courthouse. 

Vote on Resolution with the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania. PASS 3-0

A resolution to start an investigation to address EMS concerns within the county. Tioga, Lycoming and Sullivan counties have created a pilot program to address issues faced by EMS throughout the region. 

The following subrecipient agreements were approved for various county programs to distribute state funds for housing programs: PASS 3-0

  • STEP, Inc. for the Homes In-Need Program in the amount of $250,000.00. PASS 
  • STEP, Inc. for the Supportive Housing Program in the amount of $245,000.00. 
  • American Rescue Workers for rental assistance program in the amount of $100,000. 
  • STEP Inc., Homes in Urgent Need Program – $25,000

Vote on Agreement with LegalEdge Software in the amount of $16,100.00. 2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0

Approve contract with Vitality PASS 3-0

This is a wellness program for Lycoming County Employees 

The next Commissioners Public Meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on March 9. in the Commissioner’s Briefing Room, 1st Floor, Executive Plaza, 330 Pine St. 


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.