ACTIONS ONLY: Golf cart leases, new software, Elm Park revitalization

WILLIAMSPORT – The Lycoming County commissioners approved golf cart leases at White Deer Golf complex, new software systems and funds for Elm Park revitalization during their Thursday morning meeting. Here is a full list of action items:


Approve Personnel Action Report  PASS 3-0

  • RMS- Brian R Hillis, Fulltime replacement Resource Recovery Truck Driver, Paygrade 6, $ 17.007239 per hour. Effective: 3/22/20. 
  • Maintenance-Paul O Turner, Fulltime replacement Custodial Worker, Paygrade 2, $11.79 per hour. Effective: 3/23/20. 
  • Adult Probation-Katie L Pratt, Fulltime replacement Adult Probation Officer, Paygrade APO $21.95 per hour. Effective: 3/16/20. 
  • Conservation District-Nell V Barbour, Part-time West Nile Virus Technician, Paygrade 7, $16.83 per hour. Not to exceed 1000 hours annually. Effective: 4/6/20. 
  • Courts- Patricia Walters, Fulltime replacement Clerk III, Paygrade 4, $19.15 per hour. Effective: 3/15/20. 


RFP for Re-Entry Program Coordinator. 

  • Lycoming County is advertising a position for a re-entry program coordinator. This is a position that was created over three years ago by the Lycoming County Re-entry Coalition and was grant funded. It is now a budgeted position and is meant to help with inmates who leave the prison and transfer to probation. The individual will make sure they keep meetings and help hold them accountable, the goal of which is to decrease the county’s recidivism rate. The position has sat vacant for the past two years.  


Rental Agreement with Golf Cart Services, Inc. for the lease of (24) golf carts in the amount of $17,265. PASS 3-0

  • This is for golf carts for White Deer Golf Course. This is a recurring lease agreement that happens each year and is paid for by the golf course. The carts are rented to course members and are expected to bring back a profit. 

Agreement with CDI BTM to replace the Adult Probation Records Management System with BTM Software Solutions in the amount of $9,350. PASS 3-0

  • This is a new system meant to replace an old and cumbersome system, according to department personnel.  

3-Year License Agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. for GIS Software. In the amount of $185,000.  PASS 3-0

  • Renewal for the GIS software, a terrain mapping system, used by 911 Center, the county planning department, Assessment and the District Attorney’s office. This is a budgeted item. 

Approve Act 13 Legacy Agreement with the Lycoming County Softball Association for the Elm Park Improvement Project in the amount of $50,000.  PASS 3-0

  • This will help revitalize Elm Park and help it become a local spot for tournaments and other games. 

The commissioners present were Tony Mussare, Rick Mirabito and Scott Metzger. 

The next commissioners meeting will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 17.


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.