ACTIONS ONLY: County approves $1.2 million in state grant funds for hospitality businesses

The Lycoming County commissioners approved state grant funds for hospitality companies, a memorandum of understanding between the county and Roads to Freedom: Centers for Independent Living to facilitate reimbursement funds from FEMA as well as other items during their public meeting on Tuesday. 

The full list of action items are listed below: 


Approve the following cash requirement report(s): PASS 3-0

Approve accounts payable cash requirement report through February 24, 2021, for payment on February 17, 2021 upon review and approval by the Commissioners. 

  • The weekly check run is $727,114.85
    • Commissioner Tony Mussare questioned the wide range of payment for the amount of the payments to the DUI Center for blood tests. 
    • The motion was passed with the exception of the blood test payment pending an explanation of the funds. 


Approve the following personnel action(s): PASS 3-0

  • Maintenance- Joseph Kyle, Full-Time Promotion New Position, Maintenance Supervisor, Paygrade 9, $24.94/ Hourly. Effective 2/21/21. 
  • Maintenance, Dennis Straub, Full-Time Reclassification, Maintenance III, Paygrade 6, $16.76/ Hourly. Effective 2/21/21 
  • Prison- Melissa Miller, Full-Time Replacement, Female Correctional Officer Relief, Paygrade C01, $17.46/Hourly. Effective 2/23/21. 


Approve update to the TDA Report: PASS 3-0

Effective February 21, 2021 

  • Maintenance 
    • Create one (1) Maintenance Supervisor Position, Paygrade 9. 
    • Reclassify one (1) Maintenance I Position paygrades “4 to a Maintenance II Position, Paygrades 5/6. 


Approve update to the following salary schedule(s): PASS 3-0

Effective January 24, 2021 

  • Register & Recorder
    •  Reclassify two (2) Clerk I (II) Positions, Paygrades 2/3 to two (2) Clerk III Positions, Paygrade 4. 
      • This was a previously tabled item. It was determined that these two clerks were overlooked in past pay raises and were not being paid at a rate fair to their position. 

Effective February 21, 2021 

  • Maintenance 
    • Create one (1) Maintenance Supervisor Position, Paygrade 9. 
    • Reclassify one (1) Maintenance I Position paygrades 3/4 to a Maintenance II Position, Paygrades 5/6. 


Vote on grant application to DCED for COVID-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program (CHIRP) amount of estimated funding of $1,283,266. PASS 3-0

  • This is a Pennsylvania grant allocation from Gov. Tom Wolf’s order to supply funds to hospitality companies for COVID-19 relief. The grant funds will be administered through the SEDA-Council of Governments and the grant awards may only be between $5,000 and $50,000 per business. 
  • Commissioner Tony Mussare questioned a portion of the agreement saying SEDA-CoG was able to take up to a $500 administration fee for processing each application. County Chief Procurement Officer Mya Toon said she didn’t believe that SEDA-CoG would charge that high of a fee, however Mussare added that the application fee details should be worked out before moving forward with the grant application process. 
  • The grant funds are required to be distributed by June 15th, Toon said. 

Vote on Agreement with MCM Consulting Group, Inc. TABLED FOR ONE WEEK 3-0

  • MCM Consulting Group is replacing the county’s radio system and is extending the contract an additional year at $62,998. Commissioner Rick Mirabito asked for the vote to be tabled for one week so that the county can assess if a reimbursement is due it from the company, which allegedly has not completed all of the work detailed in the MOU. 

Vote on the purchase of door frames and related items from Lezzer Commercial Door contingent upon review by Mya to verify CoStar Status. PASS 3-0

  • Items required for the new building from MDJ Solomon. The doors are $42,753 in total. 

Vote to award RFP for Small Local Bridge Inspection Program to Larson Design Group in the amount of $288,029.89. PASS-3-0

Vote on Agreement with Scotilla Psychological Services, LLC. PASS 3-0

  • Evaluations reports and expert testimony for the county court system for an amount not to exceed $60,000. 

Vote on PCCD Grant Agreement for Victim/Witness Services in the amount of $260,343. PASS 3-0

  • This will be used by the Lycoming County Courthouse.

Vote on Agreement to grant a construction easement to Martino Reality in the amount of $1. PASS 3-0

  • This is for the MDJ Solomon project to allow access to the new construction property. 

Vote on Amendment to Agreement with Paul Albert Architect, LLC. PASS 3-0

  • Architect on the Solomon project. 

Vote on the purchase of gas field pipe item in the amount of $21,363.14. PASS 3-0

  • Gas field piping, coupling and bussings at the Lycoming County Landfill. This is a yearly purchase. 

Vote on Nature Based Solutions grant application in the amount of $25,000. PASS 3-0

  • This will be for flood mitigation for a planning project as a partnership with the PA American Rivers. The county will submit the grant on the non-profit’s behalf and serve as a passthrough to get the funds to the organization. 
  • The match funds have already been provided by PA American Rivers so no local funds will be dedicated to the project. 

Vote on Designation of Agent Resolution for Nature Based Solutions grant application. PASS 3-0

  • This will designate Maya Toon as the county agent to manage the application process. 

Discussion of the payment of the 2021 Actuarially Determined Employer Contribution (ADEC). TABLED 3-0

  • The discussion was to discuss whether these allotments would be handled monthly or annually. Commission Scott Metzger asked that it be tabled one week so that he could attend the Retirement Board meeting, which took place Thursday. 

Vote on MOU between the County and Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living for FEMA reimbursement. PASS 3-0

  • This is for a FEMA reimbursement which the county needs to facilitate as a passthrough organization. The funds would be used to reimburse the CIL’s costs from moving individuals out of nursing homes into other housing options. 

The next commissioners meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday Feb. 23 in the Commissioner’s Briefing Room, 1st Floor, Executive Plaza, 330 Pine St.


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.