County grants over $1.52 million to 11 community organizations

Lycoming County gave over $1.52 million to eleven area organizations during this week’s commissioner’s meeting. 

Here is a full list of the organizations and contributions: 

Funded by Act 13 gas impact funds: 

  • Law Enforcement and Police Training Association – 25,000 
  • American Rescue Workers: $20,000
  • Lycoming County Early Learning Team: $16,684 
  • Fire Tree Place: 40,000
  • lyco historical society – $20,000
  • CAC – $25,000
  • Lycoming Police Camp Cadet Foundation: $3,000

Funded by the county’s General Fund

  • Lycoming County Senior Citizens – $10,000
  • Williamsport Regional Airport- 78,360 (grant match) 
  • Lycoming Industrial Development Authority: $3,000
  • Lycoming County Library System (Includes six area libraries): $1,281,912

The funds were included in the 2021 budget and, according to the commissioners, are discretionary. 

“We can either fund this or not,” said Commissioner Tony Mussare. “The organizations we give this money to are vital among the community. They all bring in some type of quality of life or educational component to drive people out of poverty.” 

The commissioners highlighted the library system and the airport funds, two of the organizations receiving the highest amount of funds. 

The Williamsport Regional Airport continues to work to find a new airline to increase flights and reliability of airfare. The county funds will be supplied as a match for a grant the airport is applying for, according to Commissioner Scott Metzger. 

“We continue to work to find another airline for our airport,” Metzger said. 

We know that our airport has had struggles, but we are going to continue to fight to have air service in this community because it’s important to economic development.” said Commissioner Rick Mirabito. 

Here is a list of the remaining action items from the commissioner’s Tuesday meeting: 


Approve accounts payable Cash Requirements Report through April 07, 2021, for payment March 31, 2021 in the amount of $573,193.78. PASS 3-0


Approve the following personnel action(s): PASS 3-0

  • Pre Release-Alisa M. Haylon, Full-Time Replacement Resident Supervisor, Paygrade 6, $16.76/Hourly. Effective 3/31/21. 
  • Courts-MDJ Kemp-Lindsay Sauers, Full-Time Replacement Clerk III, Paygrade 4, $14.09/Hourly. Effective 3/29/21. 
  • District Attorney-Kurt Weiland, Full-Time Replacement Clerk III, Paygrade 4,  $14.09/Hourly. Effective 4/1/21. 
  • Prison- Spencer J. Ross, Full-Time Replacement Correctional Officer Relief, Paygrade C01. $17.46/Hourly. Effective 3/28/21. 


Mya Toon- Vote on Amendment to Agreement with TurnKey Construction, Inc. PASS 3-0

A request for a 30-day extension for the construction of a flood wall at MDJ Solomon’s new building on Lycoming Creek Road. 

Mya Toon- Vote on awarding the bid for food products to Feesers, Inc., Keyco Distributors, Inc., and Sysco Central Pennsylvania. 2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0

Vote to award bid for Flood Mitigation, Acquisition & Demolition Project to Steinbacher Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $81,044.00.  PASS 3-0

A grant that will be used to demolish six residential properties damaged by flooding. 

Nancy Ackley- Vote on Agreement with Families United. 2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0

This is a respite and emergency foster care program for juvenile probation. It’s aim is to keep the kids within their local community and it runs on an as-needed basis. 

Brandy Clemens-Vote on letter of agreement with Baker Tilly for the Lycoming County 2020 Audit in the amount of $69,650.00.2021 Budgeted item. PASS 3-0

Vote on the letter of agreement with Baker Tilly for the Lycoming County Recreation Authority 2020 Audit in the amount of $9,200.00.2 021 budgeted item. PASS 3-0

Vote on Second Amendment to Agreement with GEO Reentry Services, LLC. PASS 3-0

This is a one-year extension to the county’s contract with GEO Reentry Services and increases the average daily amount from 100 to 125. This sets the contract cost at a fixed rate rather than increasing the cost $13 per day for each participant over the 100 daily allotted amount. 

The new fixed-rate contract reflects a 20% increase and is set at $730,000 annually. 

Discussion of the payment of the 2021 Actuarially Determined Employer Contribution (ADEC). 

After a long debate that spanned the past year, the county has decided to make monthly contributions to the county’s retirement fund. Each year the county puts in roughly $2 million for employee pension contributions. 

In what Commissioner Tony Mussare said is an effort to secure the county’s pension fund outside of a volatile market, the county also took $10 million out of the pension fund, which is currently in the stock market, and placed it into a cash account. In addition, the ongoing monthly payments will be placed into a cash account rather than the stock market. 

The county began contributing the it’s employees’ pensions in 2005. Employees also contribute 8% of their annual paycheck into the fund. 

Sal Vitko – Vote on 2021 Liquid Fuels Municipal Allocations. PASS 3-0

Vote on the continuance of the Declaration of Disaster Emergency PASS 3-0

The extension lasts an additional 90 days and allows the county to continue to receive federal funding. 

Shannon Rossman- Vote on Redevelopment Assistance Capital Project application for the Lycoming County Levee Improvement Project in the amount of $3,891,000. PASS 3-0

Grant funding to be used for the levee improvement project. 

Vote on annual support renewal for the software utilized in our Assessment Office in the amount of $109,262.07.2021 budgeted item. PASS 3-0

This is software used by the assessment office. 

Acknowledge the County will be requesting bids for the Leachate and LFG Pipe Cleaning Project at RMS. PASS 3-0

Vote on the purchase of compactor replacement wheels in the amount of $127,495.00. 2021. PASS 3-0

This is not on the 2021 budget, but will be paid for by pulling another item off the 2021 budget. 

Vote on the purchase of materials for the metal roof in the amount of $10,113.07.2021 budgeted item. PASS 3-0

This is for roofing material for the new MDJ Solomon build to replace the roof. 

Vote on Agreement with Select Security in the amount of $41,636.55. 2021 budgeted item. PASS 3-0

Fire alarm system at the Pre-Release Center

Vote on Agreement with Air Management Technologies. PASS 3-0

This is a contract to renovate the HVAC systems at Third Street Plaza. 

Vote on Agreement with Families United Network, Inc. for foster care and residential care services in the amount of per diems ranging from $28.65/day to $208.07/day. PASS 3-0

Vote on Agreement with Taylor Diversion Programs, Inc. for residential care services in the amount of per diem of $208.00/day. PASS 3-0

Mark Egly- Vote on Agreement with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeastern Pennsylvania not to exceed $28,434.  PASS 2-0-1 (Metzger abstained as he sits on the Big Brothers Big Sisters auxiliary board) 

Vote on Amendment to Agreement with Ironcutter Creative to extend the terms of the contract to June 30, 2021 no change in the overall contract amount of $7,700. PASS 3-0

Vote on Agreement with KidsPeace National Centers, Inc. for foster care and residential care services per diems ranging from $60.00/day to $364.00/day. PASS 3-0

Vote on Resolution to acknowledge the retirement of Mark Egly. PASS 3-0

Mark has announced his retirement as director of the county department of Children and Youth Services. Egly began working for the county in 2003. This resolution appoints Keith Wagner as the interim director of youth services for the county. 

The next commissioners public meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday April 6 in the Commissioner’s Briefing Room, 1st Floor, Executive Plaza, 330 Pine St., Williamsport.


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.