ACTIONS ONLY: County approves grants, new budget software

WILLIAMSPORT – The Lycoming County commissioners approved a number of agenda items at their public meeting Thursday, including grants for veterans court and new budget software for the county. On the PULSE provides a brief list of action items and votes after each Thursday meeting.

Approve memorandum of understanding with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts of Lycoming County Veterans Court. (PASS 3-0)

  • A grant awarded by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts in the amount of $16,236 that will go toward transportation costs and program services.

Approve memorandum of understanding with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts – Drug Court, DUI Court, and Mental Health Court. (PASS 3-0)

  • Grant awarded from the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts of $4,500 for iPads for Adult Probation and treatment court officers. 

Approve 2019 professional services agreement with Postler & Jaekle Boiler in the amount of $96,680.00. (PASS 3-0)

  • This replaces and install two boilers at Lycoming County Prison. 

Approve first amendment to the 2019 Concrete Alternatives agreement. (PASS 3-0)

  • An extension request for resurfacing of the top-coat of the outdoor exercise area at the Lycoming County Prison. It is delayed due to weather. 

Award contracts for food products on a per item as needed basis to: Keyco Distributors Benjamin Foods LLC, Feesers Inc Sysco Central PA. (PASS 3-0)

  • Quarterly request for food products for pre-release center.

Approve Election Worker Pay Schedule effective Sept. 1, 2019. (PASS 3-0) 

  • A payment adjustment for poll workers who will be picking up new voting machines and equipment this year. Since acquiring new voting machines, the poll workers need to pick up additional equipment and will be paid a flat rate of $20. Each precinct – the county has 85 – may only send one poll worker. 

Approve 2019 -2020 – Essential Solutions Agreement. (PASS 3-0)

Award a purchase agreement to Eagle Truck Equipment, Inc., for the purchase of 5-New Recycling Containers in the amount of $39,180.00. (PASS 3-0) 

  • This purchase will replace five older recycling containers at the Lycoming County Landfill.  

Award a purchase agreement to Equipment Depot for the purchase of 1-New 2019 Mitsubishi FGC25 Forklift, FORK-09 with Accessories with a trade in of a 2004 Yale Forklift, FORK-07 in the amount of $26,842.80. PASS 3-0

  • This is for the replacement for a 15-year-old machine at the landfill that is getting unreliable. It was purchased through co-stars and was in the 2019 capital budget.  

Award a purchase agreement to Deihl Vault and Precast, Inc., for the purchase of 3-Reinforced Stackable Concrete Box Extensions in the amount of $10,737.00. (PASS 3-0)

  • Work to raise sumps on two fields as the landfill. This is specifically for work on field 8.  

Approve the purchase of OpenGov software with 5 years contract. PASS 2-1

  • The commissioners approved the purchase of OpenGov, a new software intended to help the county and its departments with budget creation each year and making financial information easily accessed by the public. The set-up fee is over $33,000 and the annual subscription is $59,850. The purchase was not budget, but commissioners Jack McKernan and Rick Mirabito advocated for it due to increased transparency for the public and ease of budget creation for the county. Commissioner Tony Mussare apposed the purchase due to the unbudgeted expense and the fact that it wasn’t publicly vetted before the vote. The approval was contingent on new legal language added to the agreement and will be officially signed by the commissioners Friday. 

Approve professional services agreement with J. Michael Barr d/b/a Barr Construction, LLC  (TABLED)

  • Tabled until a later date as it is not time-sensitive. No discussion was held. 

Commissioners meetings next week are canceled due to Independence Day. The July 9th meeting also is cancelled as the commissioners will be in Washington D.C. The next public meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. on July 11. 

Commissioners present were Rick Mirabito, Jack McKernan and Tony Mussare.


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.