Warehouse facilities have become more eco-friendly

Whether it’s a new warehouse being built or an existing warehouse making changes, the industry has become more aware of its impact on our environment. Hopefully, as other businesses begin to see how warehouse facilities have become more eco-friendly, they will follow their lead and also make necessary changes. 

Choosing to recycle

A warehouse, no matter what it is used for, often contains an abundance of packaging materials. Cardboard and plastic are a huge part of a warehouse and can be easily recycled. Throwing away those materials fills landfills and is unnecessary. Wooden pallets for storage and transportation are used over and over, and when no longer functioning properly, those pallets are recycled.

Reusing items when possible

Most warehouses have been ahead of their time, reusing items before eco-friendliness became an issue. Plastic bins, wooden crates, wooden pallets and cardboard boxes have been used in the warehouse industry for years, and they’re often used over and over rather than having companies always replace them. 

Keeping the building well insulated

There aren’t a lot of small warehouses—they are created to house large quantities and require a lot of space. With that in mind, if not insulated properly, a warehouse will have a tough time staying heated in the winter and cooled in the summer. That means high energy bills and low efficiency, which creates a negative impact on our environment. Many warehouses now keep that in mind and insulate with the latest methods for energy efficiency.

Using energy efficient HVAC systems

Just as a well-insulated warehouse can keep heating and cooling costs down and have a gentler impact on the environment, so can a proper HVAC system. 

Heating and cooling a giant warehouse is no small job. Not only do the employees need a comfortable environment to work in, but supplies and storage need to be kept at the right temperature. All of this needs to be done while also being responsible for the environment. 

Improving HVAC systems is just one example of how warehouse facilities have become more eco-friendly. Installing solar panels, and even painting roofs in colors that reflect the sun rather than absorbing heat, are innovative ideas being put to use. 

We are all concerned with the future of our environment. Thanks to improved systems and greater concern, warehouse facilities are running more efficiently for the sake of saving on cost savings and our planet. 


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.