Tips to avoid distraction while driving

Over time, driving—something that once made us nervous—becomes second nature. Though comfortability is nice, it can make us a little too lackadaisical while operating heavy machinery. Many diversions keep us from giving our full attention to the road ahead. Consider these tips to avoid distraction while driving to maintain the safety of yourself and those around you. 

Phone Usage

We’ve heard it time and time again: Don’t text and drive. Though there have been hundreds of stories of perilous accidents due to cell phone usage while driving, people still use them while behind the wheel. Luckily, with the constant upgrading and production of both phones and vehicles, safeguards have been put in place. 

When utilized, modes or applications such as car play, hands-free options, and drive mode cause us to think twice before engaging with our devices. Resist the urge; no text is worth the life-altering damage you can do when you glance away. 


When considering different distractions we face when driving, we often don’t consider our moods as something that could put us at risk. If you feel upset, anxious, or angry, you may be more impulsive, unaware, or speedy. When we get caught up in our own heads, we may lose sight of what we’re doing, and you don’t want that to happen while in motion. 

Fatigue can also distract you while driving. If you can’t keep your eyes open on the road, address that immediately. Whether your car temperature is too warm and cozy, your sunglasses are too dark, or you’ve missed too much sleep, adjust immediately. If you cannot do so, pull over until you are in a better state to drive. 


With newer drivers, they must have limited passengers in the vehicle. Though we are more experienced now, we can still fall victim to the same distractions. When possible, limit the number of passengers you have in tow. Tantrums in the back seat, people next to you obstructing views, blasting music, or loud conversations may take your focus off of what’s ahead. 

Similarly, consider canine passengers as possible distractions. Many people love to take their dogs with them in the car. However, an unruly pup can put everyone in danger. Knowing how to travel with pets will keep you all safe until you reach your destination. 

Many other possible risks can crop up when driving, such as eating and drinking, putting on makeup, adjusting clothing, and so many more things. If you can think it, someone’s done it. You can’t guarantee that the other people on the road will use the same tips to avoid distraction while driving, so make sure you drive defensively and safely. 


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.