Adrenaline-pumping jobs for thrill-seekers

Many people like to spend some of their free time partaking in heart-pumping activities in an attempt to truly feel alive. While most people enjoy this as a nice change of pace, others are almost addicted to it and take every opportunity to get their adrenaline pumping.

If that sounds like you and you wish to turn this passion into a career, here’s our list of adrenaline-pumping jobs for thrill-seekers like you.

Self-Enrichment Education Teachers

What better way to fulfill your need for the extreme than by teaching others how to do death-defying activities? If you feel like you’re skilled enough at skydiving, mountain climbing, or whatever other crazy stunts you like to do, you could easily get certified as an instructor and get paid to pass your knowledge onto others.

The only downside is that you aren’t the only adrenaline junkie to think of this. However, the market for these instructors has been steadily growing, and experts predict that it’ll continue, which means it might not be that competitive an industry to get into.

Military Soldiers

While joining the military is generally a younger person’s game, it might not be too late for you to sign up. Both the Navy and the Air Force take in new recruits up to the age of 39. Once you’re in, your age doesn’t matter. Plus, we’re sure you’re already in decent shape considering what you like to do in your free time.

EMTs and Ambulance Drivers

Whether you’re the one driving the ambulance or the person in the back keeping the victim alive, everybody’s blood is pumping in the emergency medical service industry. With a lot of schooling, you could even become a paramedic, but if you’re getting older, it would be best to go the route of becoming an EMT. There is much less training involved. In some states, you don’t even need an EMT license if you’re only going to be driving the vehicle.


Nothing gives you a more incredible thrill than running straight into a burning building in an attempt to save someone’s life. If that sounds appealing to you, you need to become a firefighter. We want to note that the equipment given to you won’t make you invincible. There are limits to fire-resistant clothing, but it will still assist you when saving people’s lives.

Also, there’s a reason why you always see fire trucks rushing around town. They are sent out to almost any disaster that occurs, even if there’s no fire involved. They get trained to be the best, and you can be right there beside them if you put in the work.

Cops and Detectives

Now, we come to the final adrenaline-pumping job for thrill-seekers: becoming a police officer. We won’t sugarcoat it—being a cop isn’t all action and glory. There will be a lot of writing tickets and responding to minor disturbances, but at times when something bad is going down, you’ll be on the front lines trying to prevent it.

Plus, if you put in your time and rise through the ranks, you could become a detective, leading you to even more exciting crimes. The thrill you get from solving a complex case is like no other.


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.