Community Supported News
Our team of journalists and videographers is dedicated to producing content that our readers need to help them understand our community.
We believe that to truly be a community news source, we need the support of our community. If you want well-researched, fact-driven, quality news, partner with us to bring you local reporting that makes a difference. Look below for a list of projects in need of support.
Don't see one you like? Send new project ideas to
Fund a project
Video History Series
We can't forget our roots. Keeping the community's unique historic moments alive is what On the PULSE will do with this video series. Beginning with a package of six videos, the series will run over six months.
With your help, we will choose six unique historic highlights from the region to feature.
Budget goal: $5,000
Elder Abuse
Elderly Individuals in Lycoming County, and throughout the country, often are abused and taken advantage of because of their feable state. The county has developed a task force to deal with the problem.
On the PULSE wants to perform an investigation to discover the scope of the issue.
Budget goal: $500
Sex Trafficking
Victims of sex trafficking, often beginning as children, are living through hell every day.
Lycoming County is not immune to both pass-through and domestic sex trafficking. Through this project, the team at On the PULSE, will determine the depth of the local impact and what is being done to help the victims.
Budget goal: $5,000
The door into and out of prison is often referred to as revolving – bringing inmates in and out on such a recurring basis that breaking free from a life of incarceration can seem almost impossible.
Through this feature, On the PULSE will interview current and former members of the criminal justice system. We will look at the struggles of reentering the community and determine why over 75% of inmates will be rearrested within three years of their release.
The thought of children entering a life of crime is heartbreaking, but a harsh reality for many of our community's youth.
This feature seeks to look at the world many area youth call reality, whether through their own choices or those of parents, guardians or friends.
Only by fully understanding this world, can the community offer support and help break the cycle of crime before it begins.
Partner Benefits
Whether you donate $5 or $100 dollars, you will be a partner with On the PULSE on this project. We will send you updates along the way and give you an early copy of the finished product. Thanks for partnering with On the PULSE!