Alternatives for When You Run Out of Toilet Paper

Everyone hates it when you grab for the toilet paper and the rest of the roll has seemingly disappeared. You search under the cupboard for another roll, but they’re all gone! Find a solution to this problem with these alternatives for when you run out of toilet paper. 

Bathroom Magazine

Imagine this: you’ve just finished doing your business and look up—the toilet paper is gone! Don’t panic; that magazine with a random celebrity’s face on the cover will do just fine. Tear off as many pages as you need until that crack is squeaky clean!

Toilet Paper Roll

In a pinch? You may not have any more TP on that roll, but that cardboard will work just fine. You can peel the cardboard from the roll into thin sheets. Nobody will even know; the color will be the same!

Dirty Sock

You see that dirty sock laying over there all alone in the corner of the bathroom? Use it. That is what laundry machines are made for, right? 

Kitchen Sponge

That kitchen sponge already gets into tight crevices. It should have no problem cleaning up your business so you can go on with your day. We would suggest not cleaning the dishes with it right afterward, but to each their own. 

Leaves and Plants

Out in the wilderness? We know you’re over there looking at those leaves. The best solution is to dispose of the leaves back on the ground where they came from. And always remember: leaves of three, let them be. That would make for an interesting trip to the emergency room. Glad we could dodge that one.

Your Hand

Sometimes, your hand is the only alternative for when you run out of toilet paper. Don’t go trying to flush this alternative down the toilet, or you’d have a big problem. Try not to look when you’re using this idea, and maybe dunk your hand in a pail of sanitizer right after. Hey, it works!

Speaking of flushing things down the toilet, it is important to note not everything can be flushed down a toilet and into your septic system. Avoid a catastrophe and skip flushing these items down the toilet.

To be honest, we don’t care what you decide to use to wipe in your next bathroom fiasco, but maybe don’t tell us about it when you’re done. Bathroom business is your business. And always remember: no toilet paper, no problem!


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.