4 Quick Tips for Making It Through a Recession

Ever since the tail end of the pandemic, there’s been a lot of talk about a potential recession on the horizon. Even though we’ve seen small signs of one here and there, there’s still no guarantee that we’ll experience one.

However, that certainly doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prepare for one—it never hurts to be safe. That’s why we’ve put together a short list of tips that’ll help you make it through a recession if one does come up in the coming year or so. That way, you can secure yourself and your loved ones for the future.

Grow Your Emergency Fund

Before the potential recession even gets here, you first need to start building up your emergency fund. Even if you have a solid reserve built up already, it doesn’t hurt to bolster it a bit more. Every dollar you put in there is one less you have to worry about in the unfortunate event you lose your job.

While that can sound a bit bleak, it’s not all bad. Building up your emergency fund will pay off in the long run if nothing bad happens or the recession never comes. You can use all that extra money you saved on better things in the future. Maybe you can finally buy that new car or put one of your kids through college. Regardless of what happens, setting extra money aside in times like these is always a good idea.

Cut Down on Your Expenses

Of course, that money has to come from somewhere. That’s why you should start now to cut some of your expenses. You don’t have to make any extreme cuts, but starting with a few things that aren’t needed right now is not a bad idea.

A good example would be certain subscription services. While you likely still use some of them regularly, we doubt you use all of them every week. Cutting them now and bringing them back for a month when there’s something worth watching will save you a lot of money. You can apply this tactic to any of your regular expenses as well. You’d be surprised by how many things you barely use once you take the time to analyze them.

Diversify Your Income Sources

One of the best ways to make it through a recession is to diversify your sources of income. If you rely only on one paycheck to pay all your bills, once that income is gone, you’ll instantly run into struggles.

Spreading your income across multiple jobs and avenues will help you keep up with bills if one source falls through. Some common ways to diversify are investing in a recession-proof company or starting a small side business. Regardless of what you choose, be sure to read up on some tips for effectively diversifying your portfolio.

Don’t Panic

The final tip we have for you today is simply not to panic. It’s okay to be a little worried about the future and how you’ll make it through hard times, but panicking about it doesn’t solve anything. In fact, freaking out about these things usually leads to worse decision-making abilities. Keeping a calm mindset will help ensure that you make the best choices possible for you and your family.


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.