Winter Storage Tips for Your Farm Tractor

Heavy-duty farming supplies and equipment are relatively significant investments that deserve adequate protection. As the seasons change and the elements vary, you should invest your time and resources into properly storing your machinery.

Here, we discuss practical tips for storing your farm tractor through the winter. 

Make Proper Battery Storage Efforts

It’s relatively common knowledge that leaving the battery to sit in freezing temperatures can cause battery failure and death. Disconnect the battery per the owner’s manual and store it in a secure indoor location with adequate climate control. To help protect it from long-term damage while in storage, you can use a maintenance charger to sustain its integrity over time. 

Invest in Proper Lubrication 

One of the primary sources of lubrication for your tractor is hydraulic fluid. Inspect all parts of the tractor that benefit from hydraulic fluids and consider investing in new, clean, high-quality fluids. This will protect the primary mechanical components from corrosive behaviors and enable your tractor to have smooth performance come spring. 

Always Review the Engine 

You’ll have your farm tractor open to inspect other areas before you place it into winter storage. So, another tip is to take the time to review the engine and the lines surrounding it. Things like oil levels, filter systems, and protective additives can maintain the tractor’s integrity long term, especially while it’s in storage. If you decide to introduce new fluids, ensure you run the tractor to allow optimal fluid circulation. 

Add a Fuel Stabilizer 

If you know upfront that the tractor will sit for a while or at least the duration of winter, you should add a fuel stabilizer. Untreated lines can become incredibly problematic in the future. Consider emptying the fuel lines entirely and filling them back up with standard diesel. Top it off with a fuel stabilizer and run the engine for several minutes to saturate the lines. 

Consider the Tractor’s Storage Location

The location you choose for your tractor will make or break all other storage efforts. Many will invest in a cover to protect the metals from harsh exterior exposure. But consider placing it into a barn or oversized garage designed to provide and protect. The winters are brutal on heavy-duty equipment, so getting the storage correct for your farm tractor is vital. 

While it may not be time to tuck your tractor away just yet, you should ensure you’re ready for winter storage when the time comes. If you start planning your efforts now, you’ll have no trouble with proper measures later. 


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.