Future Projects

Perhaps one of our largest upcoming projects, this feature seeks to answer the question of life's value. In a modern era when nations around the world are adapting state sanctioned Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID), On the PULSE will create a documentary asking people in cultures around the world how they view end-of-life care and when life should be valued and when it should be let go.

Track Progress

Budget goal: $10,000


Elder Abuse


Elderly Individuals in Lycoming County, and throughout the country, often are abused and taken advantage of because of their feable state. The county has developed a task force to deal with the problem. 

On the PULSE wants to perform an investigation to discover the scope of the issue.

Budget goal: $5000


History Series


We can't forget our roots. Keeping the community's unique historic moments alive is what On the PULSE will do with this video series. Beginning with a package of six videos, the series will run over six months.

With your help, we will choose six unique historic highlights from the region to feature. 


Budget goal: $5,000


Our team of journalists and videographers is dedicated to producing content that our readers need to help them understand our community.

We believe that to truly be a community news source, we need the support of our community. If you want well-researched, fact-driven, quality news, partner with us to bring you local reporting that makes a difference. Look below for a list of projects in need of support.

Don't see one you like? Send new project ideas to info@onthepulsenews.com.

Partner Benefits

Whether you donate $5 or $100 dollars, you will be a partner with On the PULSE on this project. We will send you updates along the way and give you an early copy of the finished product. Thanks for partnering with On the PULSE!

Reader Supported Work

The Hidden Truth of Human Trafficking in Pennsylvania

By On the PULSE | April 15, 2023

What does human trafficking look like across the country and in Pennsylvania? The reality faced by trafficking victims within our local communities is hidden within homes and schools and shelters throughout the region. Through the highest standards of journalism and fact-finding, On the PULSE shines a light on the local sex trafficking plaguing our region…

Premiere Announcement: The Hidden Truth of Human Trafficking in Pa

By On the PULSE | February 22, 2023

On the PULSE is honored to announce the premiere of our documentary The Hidden Truth of Human Trafficking in Pennsylvania at 3 p.m. on March 18 at the Klump Academic Center Auditorium at the Pennsylvania College of Technology.  The premier is free to the public and will include a screening of the documentary as well…

Breaking the Cycle: Keeping kids out of a life of crime

By Anne Reiner | October 8, 2021

Anyone listening to the story of Eli Finnerty’s journey into crime will ask, “What could have been done to stop it?”  Hanging out with his friends, sneaking out at night and general rabble-rousing was common when Finnerty was a young child. At age 12, he began smoking marijuana and, when he started high school, his…

‘Guns were always around’: The harsh reality of kids in a life of crime

By Anne Reiner | September 3, 2021

Austin White was nine years old the first time he was charged with a crime.  Sitting on a park picnic table with his sister, the two children colored on the table top, which already was covered from top to bottom with graffiti. White, now 20, chuckled as he recalled the police officer reading through the…

Many offenders unable to get out of criminal justice system, some programs offer solutions

By Anne Reiner | August 6, 2021

Leaving the criminal justice system is not as simple as walking out the prison door. The first weeks are crucial and studies show that the majority of people who return to prison do so on either a parole or probation violation within the first one to three years of freedom.  “In Pennsylvania, what we are…

‘Control of my own world’: Finding a fresh start beyond a world of crime

By Becky Lock | July 28, 2021

Marijuana. Alcohol. Painkillers. Partying. “I just thought it was cool,” Chad Ling says. “I was a fool.” The Williamsport man has spent many of his 32 years firmly addicted to illegal drugs and bad choices. A counselor at the Centre County Jail where Ling had landed nearly three years ago set him on a new…

Finding redemption: Business owner seeks path forward after 10 years in prison

By On the PULSE | July 16, 2021

When Abdul-Malik Walker was released from his 10-year prison stay, his mother gave him six months to live with her before he had to have a job and move into his own place.  Five months later, Walker had his first job and, in one year, he started his own business.  “When I was younger ……

World of Reentry: The reality of growing into a life of crime

By On the PULSE | July 6, 2021

EDITOR’S NOTE: For the past six months, On the PULSE has been exploring the World of Reentry in Lycoming County and across the country. Through this series we will explore the criminal justice system through the eyes of participants who have spent years trying to get out of it. Some succeed, while others meet roadblocks…

‘The hidden problem’: Social media’s role in human trafficking and sexual exploitation

By Anne Reiner | January 22, 2021

In the midst of a national debate about social media companies’ obligation to monitor and remove volatile posts on their platforms, many believe the easy access to child exploitation content is largely overlooked.  “It’s easy to get rid of Trump off of Twitter, but they can’t get child pornography off of Twitter and Snapchat,” said…

‘I need help’: Minors are the primary targets for sex trafficking in US

By Anne Reiner | June 26, 2019

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the final piece of a three-part series that provides an in-depth look at the in-roads of sex trafficking in Lycoming County, the easy access provided by Route 15 and resources for youth trafficking victims. WILLIAMSPORT – As an adult survivor of sex trafficking, Lynaugh Bobst found it hard to find resources…