Essential commercial roof equipment

Commercial roofing is hard work and very rewarding. Stepping back to see a job well done can be satisfying after hours of labor. As with any construction or renovation job, roofing requires the right tools to make the job go as quickly as possible and be completed correctly. Essential commercial roof equipment is a roofer’s right-hand man when on the job.

Shingle remover

Unless the building is brand new and the roof is just about to go on, a roof will require its old shingles to come off before new shingles go on. 

There are a couple different kinds of shingle removers. The most basic looks like a shovel with teeth that are used to tear off shingles. Another kind uses wheels and as it pushes along, it rolls the existing shingles into a roll. 

Always have a utility knife on hand for small areas that won’t budge.

Hoist or lift

Commercial buildings can be at great heights. Somehow, you, the crew, and materials need to get up there. Some type of lift, such as an inclined elevator, needs to be available for this purpose. 

Hammer and nails

Essential commercial roof equipment, just like in residential roofing, will always include a hammer and nails. 

A regular handheld roofing hammer is fine for small and quick fixes. But on a commercial roof, a nail gun designed for roofing is absolutely necessary to get the job done right and not have your arms give out from the constant pounding. 

Cleaning equipment

Roofing can be a messy job. Before the roof goes on, there is sometimes a lot that has to come off. Proper dumpsters need to be available to haul away the trash.

Power brooms, air blowers, and power washers can be used to clean everything up and make the roof shiny and presentable. 

Safety is number one when it comes to roofing. Using the right tools will not only help in getting the job done, but also in keeping everyone safe. 


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    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.