Armed neo-Nazis turn up at Brandon Park, heavy police presence

Despite previous claims they would not show up in Williamsport, a group of roughly 20 neo-Nazi members arrived in Brandon Park just after 1 p.m., Saturday.

The group traveled to the city in three vehicles, presumably from Ulysses, Pa., where they claimed they would actually be holding their rally.

Heavily armed with what appeared to be semi-automatic weapons, knives and some concealed weapons the group walked around Brandon Park, chanting racist jargon and bantering back and forth with residents of homes along the edge of the park.

The group submitted a permit request to the city for a rally in Brandon Park, however it was denied due to COVID-19 concerns, according to Mayor Derek Slaughter. The group showed up anyway to protest the denial of the permit, hurling many insults at Slaughter, the city’s first African American mayor.

A heavy police presence also was in the park. Law enforcement, who had received intelligence that the group would be in the city, reported seeing the them enter the city and followed them to the park.

After exiting the vehicles, the neo-Nazi members, many fully armed, made a loop around the park, stopping at the Bandshell for a photo. The group then remained at the parking lot along Elizabeth Street for about 20 minutes yelling more racists remarks and goading the nearby residents and onlookers.

There was a tense moment as some counter protesters arrived just as the neo-Nazi group was leaving, but police were able to intercept and prevent more than just some yelling back and forth between the groups to take place.

Police again followed the NSM group’s vehicles as they exited the park and left the city, getting on the highway and leaving the area. Officers were told to remain on alert for the time being.

Blockades were preemptively put in place around the city’s two Synagogues, Ohev Sholom, on Cherry Street, and Temple Beth Ha Sholom, on Center Street. Neither location was damaged.


  • Anne Reiner

    Anne Reiner has been a journalist for over eight years. She lives in Lycoming County and founded On the PULSE to create a new and engaging way to bring local news to the region of Northcentral, Pennsylvania.

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Anne Reiner

Anne Reiner has been a journalist for over eight years. She lives in Lycoming County and founded On the PULSE to create a new and engaging way to bring local news to the region of Northcentral, Pennsylvania.

  1. Interesting how the police have no problem arresting BLM and related protestors who are unarmed but are willing to allow a force of heavily armed right-wing goons to take over a park.

  2. Huh. Weird that when Nazis unlawfully assemble, armed and hurling hate speech, the police don’t send in riot squads and shoot them in the face with rubber bullets. It’s almost like the police are on their side…

  3. My father fought these same brain dead bigots in ww2. 80 million people DIED because of these miserable crazy subhumans. Yet we allow them to parade around . Armed no less. All you decent people out there, ask yourself if this is right or logical. All you church going people. This country makes no sense to me anymore. We have de-volved, not evolved. God help us all.

  4. The exact reason why our RKBA must be exercised. Gov’ts will use any excuses to suppress our rights. Rights are protected by violence and the threat of violence.

    Unsuprisingly, cops did nothing. Like at the Bundy Ranch. Tyrants cower when they encounter citizens who cannot be subjugated.