3 Ways to give your child healthy autonomy

It’s often easier to step in for our children when it comes to decision-making. If you’re pressed for time or simply need a task done correctly, it’s hard to give control to your child.

However, autonomy can help your child build confidence and independence that will benefit them for years to come. Read on to discover three ways to give your child healthy autonomy. 


Children are naturally creative. They have an active imagination and need the opportunity to express themselves. Give your child autonomy and let them choose how they want to explore their vision.

Do they want to express themselves with art supplies? Maybe they would like to learn an instrument. They may even choose to stimulate their minds using outdoor activities. 

You can do many things as a parent to give your child creative outlets. For example, you can take them to a music store to explore different instruments. There are many things to consider when remodeling your child’s room, and involving them in the process can serve as a fantastic creative opportunity as well. Let them decide how to channel their creativity in a healthy way. Over the years, this exploration will turn into their passion.


Teach your child how to accomplish chores around the house. After they have an established foundation of how-to’s, consider letting them choose which chores they want to help with.

Suggest how many they can assist you with and provide options for them to choose from. Autonomy builds off their choice of chores. Over time, they can develop into strong, independent adults that respect and care for their belongings. 


Every day is a new day, but this doesn’t mean your kiddos shouldn’t have an established routine. Give your child options for aspects of their routine daily. Let them choose if they want a family movie night on the weekends or a school night. Giving your child autonomy over their routine can be as simple as asking them if they want to pick up their toys before or after dinner. 

Use these tips to give your child healthy autonomy, and remember to have patience; your efforts in helping your child develop autonomy will pay off in the long run. From creativity to chores and routine, build your child’s confidence and independence.


  • On the PULSE

    On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.

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On the PULSE

On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.