When you’re deciding whether to get a dog, there are factors to consider to ensure that everyone gets along and that the dog you choose is a good fit for you and your family. Some dogs need more exercise and playtime than others.
Let’s explore the top dog breeds that require the most mental stimulation.
Border Collie
This dog breed is brilliant, and it loves being active. Border collies were bred for herding animals and to have long-lasting stamina. They’re naturals at agility, and they excel at disc competitions. They’re beautiful dogs, but you must provide them with a job to keep them mentally stimulated. Get them a toy to chase or a puzzle to solve to receive a treat.
Australian Shepherd
Australian shepherds are also very smart. They love exercise and need an adequate amount of mental stimulation. They enjoy staying busy, as they were bred to herd livestock. If you don’t provide them with an outlet for their energy, you’ll likely see them “working” on their own in the form of chasing other animals or people. Some can become aloof or stubborn if they don’t receive the proper structure, exercise and training.
Jack Russell Terrier
This adorable breed is known for its highly energetic personality. Jack Russells are not lazy lapdogs like other small dog breeds. This terrier breed needs training and vigorous daily exercise to keep them from digging up your yard, barking at the neighbors and engaging in other destructive behavior. They do well at learning dog sports and other fun tricks.
The dalmatian makes an exceptional running and hiking partner. This breed historically protected carriages by running alongside them, and you’ll find that dalmatians still have that same fantastic endurance that allowed them to keep up with horses. They have the drive to work, but they can develop bad habits such as excessive barking if you don’t provide them with enough mental stimulation.
Belgian Malinois
You’ll often find this gorgeous breed working for law enforcement, as it thrives when it has a job. Belgian Malinois are exceptional trackers, and they know how to use their noses to the fullest. If you have a Belgian Malinois or thinking about getting one as a pet, a great way to mentally stimulate them is hiding a few treats around the house for them to find. They also need an ample amount of exercise every day.
This lovable breed of dog is best-known for its charming and goofy personality and hyperactive behavior. Boxers are wonderful pets for all kinds of families, but they require structure, exercise and good mental stimulation. Taking long walks with your boxer and playing games of fetch are great ways to keep their mind sharp and occupied.
Siberian Husky
Another dog breed that requires mental stimulation every day is the Siberian husky. These gorgeous dogs were bred to pull sleds for long distances. They enjoy daily long walks, hikes and runs to stay happy and healthy. However, if you live in a warm climate, be sure to know the signs of overheating for your husky, as they have thick coats.
Irish Setter
Irish setters are swift hunting dogs that are eager to please, and they can get rambunctious at times. This breed does excellent at dog sports, and it’s an excellent listener. Signing up your setter for agility, training and obedience classes will keep them mentally stimulated.
Doggy day care is a great idea for any of these breeds. The day care will provide the exercise and mental stimulation your dog needs to continue being happy and healthy.