Simple ways to reduce anxiety as a new mom

Whether you are expecting your first baby or just entered the postpartum chapter, being a new mom is nothing short of bliss, hardships, and memorable firsts. Because of how rapidly things move, it’s easy to feel anxious and overwhelmed.

This article discusses some great methods to combat that new mom anxiety to help you ease into motherhood. 

Build Your Support Village Before You Give Birth 

Prior to giving birth, new moms go through many transformations and preparations. Pregnancy is a special time of growing a healthy, beautiful human being and also transitioning from maiden to mother. 

You will experience enhanced capabilities to cut out those who no longer align with you and call in those who do. Setting up a support village is essential to ensure that, as a new mom, you have somebody to call, text, or lean on when the going gets tough. These individuals may also offer you a hot meal, to complete a household chore, or the opportunity to squeeze in a nap. 

Invest in Tools You Want or Need 

The baby market has everything you could think of and more. You may want some items more than others, while some things are more of a necessity than a want. To create a more pleasurable experience, try to drown out the noise about what you do and don’t need and invest in the tools you want. 

One way to alleviate anxiety as a new mom is having the ability to monitor your baby’s growth at home, on demand. Investing in an infant scale can help you track your baby’s weight and overall growth and ease your mind that they are, in fact, right on track. 

Eat Nourishing Foods

The postpartum phase for a new mom is incredibly tough. There are many learning opportunities and curves and a never-ending list of things to do around the home. The body is in recovery mode, mom mode, and go mode just about 24/7. 

By following a diet of nourishing meals and snacks, you can fill your system with the appropriate caloric needs, fats, and carbs needed to maintain these new lifestyle demands. If cooking isn’t feasible, don’t feel guilty about ordering a takeaway meal. And if you can, try to stash your favorite comfort meals in the freezer while pregnant, so it’s easier on you through postpartum or tough days. 

Remember, You Can’t Pour from An Empty Cup 

Eating nourishing meals is one thing to help fill your cup, but there are many other ways to do this. It’s critical to remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup, so take some time to invest in yourself. If this becomes overwhelming, that’s okay; start small. 

One small act of self-kindness can move mountains on those long days. The more you settle into your new role, the more you can take on bigger, more grand self-care routines to ensure your cup remains at full- to half-capacity (at the very least). 

Being a new mom comes with so many components that experiencing anxiety is normal and expected. It’s vital to your and your baby’s health to consider mitigating the effects of these anxious tendencies with patience, preparation, and open-mindedness. 


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On the PULSE is an online media outlet in Northcentral, Pennsylvania. We specialize in in-depth journalism, human interest content and video features. Our mission is to build engagement in community through local news.